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A Question of Belonging


The “A Question of Belonging” project started here. We aimed to create resources to support the inclusion of LGBT people in places of faith. This has grown and evolved into a website called Inclusive Faith which has gathered many stories of LGBTQIA+ people of faith, films about affirming and safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ Christians and many resources to help people who are on a journey with LGBTQIA+ theology.

The project grew from a dream that Kirsten Kearney and Pádraig Ó Tuama had several years ago to create an educational resource to help Christians in NI and beyond explore their thinking about LGBTQIA+ lives and faith. They wanted to promote sensitive and nuanced conversation around theology and its practical outworkings in real people’s lives.

Many more people came alongside to carry this dream. Andrew McCombe, kindly funded by the Rank Foundation, created the majority of the films on the site. Judith Dalzell, Kim Walsh and Gareth Johnston helped Kirsten to create and influence content and direction. The Anchor Foundation, Seedbed Foundation, Circle of Change and The Trusthouse Foundation supported us along the way while Eileen Ryan in the States provided the gift of funding to bring the website to completion. People provided us with their homes, their workplaces and their churches to film in. Many people gave generously of their time, their stories, their experiences and were brave enough to put them on film for others.

Above all, partnerships have been key to this dream. esc films, the Corrymeela Community, Spectrum: LGBT+ Christian Fellowship, Christians at Pride NI, Harbour Faith Community, All Souls, St Georges and many more. Too many to list. All LGBTQIA+ affirming people and spaces, committed to creating positive and hopeful change in NI.


If you’d like to commission a project with esc films or would simply like to know more about our work, please get in touch with us. We’re always very happy to discuss new projects.