esc films have worked with the Belfast Trust for many years, creating therapeutic film-making projects for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues (click here to watch). Wesc films have worked with the Belfast Trust for many years, creating therapeutic film-making projects for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues (click here to watch). We have also been commissioned to tell the story of many of their services, from their new perinatal mental health services, field to fork community growing projects, the Belfast Recovery College, The Family Model of counselling, Dementia training, occupational health services and opportunities for people with learning difficulties. We have also worked at Shannon clinic medium secure unit on both therapeutic and training films. Due to the sensitivities around those films they are not publically available. You can watch a range of our films below:
If you’d like to commission a project with esc films or would simply like to know more about our work, please get in touch with us. We’re always very happy to discuss new projects.